Student Hit Makers Session

The Trio Hit Makers Session (THMS) is a dynamic, progressive educational component that is mixed with rich entertainment, humor, and hands-on, practical application that is designed to create the motivation, excitement, focus, and realism in Trio students, so they want to pursue their post-secondary education in an area that means the most to them which could include music, dance, film, scripts, editing, casting or cinematics. These are all areas with which Trio students will explore when they participate (collectively) in The Trio Hit Makers Session.

The (THMS) can be offered during the Academic Year or during your six-week summer program. (THMS) offers a very flexible program that could even be implemented during the students’ Spring Break. Think about it. Allowing your students to participate in this program will give them an opportunity to explore and develop their talents and interests in areas perhaps they didn’t know they had.


Moreover, students will write, edit, cast, and star in their own music/cinematic production, as each student discovers his or her specific topics of interest to help enrich their future post-secondary education experience. Additionally, through participating in the (THMS), students will be able to apply prior knowledge gained through upward bound academic courses, such as language arts, reading comprehension, math, budgeting/finance, time management, communication, leadership, and technology, as well as teamwork/collaboration, and self-esteem.

Students can perform at your end-of-the-summer banquet, graduation, or any special event where you are showcasing your students’ talents and want to reflect a positive end-product.

Give your Trio students a break – let them be the next Hit Maker!

At the end of the session, students will receive the following:

  1. Program Recap
  2. TRIO Hit Makers T-Shirt
  3. A Certificate of successful completion
  4. Instructions on how to apply for a chance to win $250 Scholarship
  5. A digital music/cinematic product
  6. List of colleges that offer majors in music and cinematics

(THMS) can be customized to fit your program needs. 

16-32 Hour Session Full Music and Movie Experience

Hit Makers Session Full Sail Univ

Student Activities Treehouse

Step by step we take a student through the full movie experience.

Our main purpose it so educated your students on the history of film and music. Each lesson is an interactive powerpoint presentation designed to engage your students in the history of film and music.

We take the students through selecting 1 of 4 pre-approved scripts used to make a short film. The script is set for multiple characters, lead actors (male and female), extras, and requires a director, production assistant, camera person and props manager. Additionally, other sections are needed and filmed which get’s everyones name in the credits at the end.
Casting is key to making a great film. We will not only add a student casting director to the process, but we will also show them how to select the right talent among the students that have auditioned. Each script has a role available for male, female, and extras to play a part in being seen on film.
Our hands-on production team will work with the entire student crew to shoot a short film based on the selected script. Everyone on the student crew will become educated on the process of making a film lead by our expert team of producers. Each film script is short on average under 2-3 minutes.
Sourcing through music. This process know as licensing and selecting music to move the story of the film, is called Music Supervision. Students that are interested in how music is added to the film will work one on one with a music supervisor to make key selections. They will understand the licensing process and get a glimpse into what contracts look like for such a production.
Once the film is wrapped, it’s just the beginning of the editing process. Our editors will take the students through a quick course while they guide them through the editing process. Each section of the film will be discussed for it’s relevance to the end product. Students will get an education taste of what it takes to complete the editing process.

All of our scripts are designed to utilize the dance skills of the students which are choreographed by our staff and other talented students.   

Celebrating the achievements of the film process is always great. Showing the room on a graduation night or during a ceremony what has been accomplished is a great way to demonstrate those achievements of not only the hitmakers session but the achievements of the entire program. Our goal is to get the attendees of the celebration to be in disbelief that their students actually produced such a great project in such a short period of time.

Students will be given the opportunity to apply for a $250 scholarship. 

The Hitmakers session (HMS) is owned and operated by CEO Gene Culver, who studied music and business at Lincoln University in Pennsylvania. He has been involved with music since 1992, and over the years, he has managed and worked with a variety of artist from different genres. Moreover, coming from a musical background where his father was a “hit maker“ in the 60s and 70s, with such titles as Rainbow, The Duke of Earl, etc.,
Moreover, coming from a musical background where his father was a “hit maker“ in the 60s and 70s, with such titles as Rainbow, The Duke of Earl, etc.,

Gene introduced the concept of combining music and film, for the first time at the 2017 HitMakers Music Placement Conference in Orlando, Florida.

His keen sense for detecting talent, cultivating, and providing sound feedback to them as well as making connections with the right people, has set his company on the fast track.

Currently, he is responsible for sync licensing and placing music in film, television shows, tv ads and indie projects. He is also the President of the Orlando Urban Film Festival held in Orlando, Florida at the AMC theatre City Walk at Universal Studios (

One of Gene’s favorite sayings is: “Make sure you make friends before you need them”

Music production

Music production and how it works…

This program merges together the musical needs to the film needs. Imagine your favorite movie with our music. The suspense, the drama, the action would all be lost without the proper sound track. In this educational training, we helped students discover how further their education through the right college for film and music can enhance their knowledge at doing something they love.

Film production and how it works…

The film production process turns students into directors, production assistance, actors, camera assistance, and so much more.

Film production and how it works…

The film production process turns students into directors, production assistance, actors, camera assistance, and so much more.

1 + 9 =

Film production